Wednesday 11 December 2013

End of an Era, Well Kinda

Good Evening Bloggers,

As you read from the title, today's post isn't a good one. Kind of.

As you know SparkGate had invested in our modernisation and becoming a company that is up to date. SparkGate Fibre was a revolution for us as it gave us a whole new perspective to focus on so we could provide you with even more services. It was a new born for us. We birthed it, raised it invested alot of time and money into it. Sadly, SparkGate Fibre has now grown up. Although still in young days, it's time to say farewell as we see Fibre depart from the SparkGate Brand.


Yes, a but. A very big one aswell. (We are not talking about what you are probably now thinking).

It'snot going to end there. The clue is in the last sentence of the above paragraph. I'm not going to tell you everything. That would ruin things. All I will say is something interesting is coming.

I'll finish this short update on a goodbye.

We say farewell to SparkGate Fibre.

Thanks again for the read, stay tuned.

David JP Bailey
SparkGate Corporation CEO
SparkGate Hosting CEO

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