Friday 7 September 2012

SparkGate no longer a Spark

Well, as a Huge Fire Service geek. All Sparks lead to a flame, a flame grows into a fire and then it carries on. Well now, let's relate that to SparkGate. I'd say we are now at the small fire stage. We've grew into something much more bigger than a spark. We continue to grow. My passion with that of my business partners, we continue to work to develop a core operation that pleases the most valuable people to us, you! Sure you hear that all the time from businesses that promise you this and that. I mean I've heard the same. I was promised a new phone free of charge with no strings attached from a lovely company who needless to say, I never recommend or use. Obviously, more fool me, it wasn't free. Dayum. I think hearing it from the people who run the business only means more and meaningful. That's what I like to hear. So right now, as a company. We're doing all the dirty work before we consider launching to start trading. Myself and all of the other executives of SparkGate are meeting in a few weeks at our corporate headquarters to discuss where we stand. All of our time has been done doing paper work, website development and more. The business is at it's stable stage where all of the tests required have been done. Prices have been agreed and more. We're confident and are growing more and more passionate. I would just like at this point to make note of the fact I am not getting paid for all of this start up preparation. Our first few months as a company laucnhing bug will be very big and difficult as we can't predict what will happen. We hope it's good ofcourse. And we hope you like it as well. So stay tuned. Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook where we actually have a competition going on for you to get a hold of some goodies such as a new Google Nexus 7 tablet as well as a HTC One X. If you don't know the link.. it's or

Thank you so far for your continued patience and support. As a people person, it's truly amazing!

Happy Blogging!

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