Wednesday 12 September 2012

Investing in you

Hey fellow Bloggers/sparks

So, you keep hearing all of the hype from us about SparkGate Fiber and Praxis Group etc. Now I hear you asking about our core operations.... SparkGate Hosting. So, we admit, as a company we sidetracked our core operations slightly and sidewinded our attention to the fiber side of us however in the midst of all of that, we still incremented, in slow progressions, new strategies and plans to further solidify SparkGate Hosting. My business partner, close friend and proud Chairman of the company messaged me on Saturday night at 11.20 through GTalk asking if i'm available for a chat. At that time of night I would normally say no however as I was awake and the fact that he never messages me at that time to chat... I thought it was going to be pretty important. With good and bad thoughts racing through my mind, I called through to him where he answered calm. Liam then dropped the bombshell of bombs on me. Liam informed me a secret he had been hiding from me due to the scale and how much he knew it would mean to me. i was shocked when Liam revealed a newly built 2.8 Million pound data center to me which was ready for completion. Yes, you and I both got that correctly. SparkGate Hosting is now a proud owner to a new data center. This means the most modern technology, up to date security protocols and latest software. I'm not going to reveal all of the best bits of this new development as that's yet to come. I was then informed that the company were to honor me with the responsibility of being the Chief Executive Officer of SparkGate Hosting. So yes, that means aswell as running the Corporation as a whole, I will also be directing SparkGate Hosting. This to me is a great progression. I took a personal Favourite to SparkGate Hosting a few years back when me and Liam first started it. We had took the company over from it's previous owners who had left us with a bit of work to do to gain customer trust which was dented from the previous owners. To me, SparkGate Hosting was the Spark of the company. The start of our big adventure which was full of wrong turns and decisions. That that doesn't kill you, can only make you stronger. the hosting company is what drove our own presence forward and we only just realized how true our own Mission statement was. 

So, my fellow Sparks. We are on this journey together. We will go places and will drive your presence forward. With more and more new developments coming in. It won't be long before we're in your house fixing your phone line. Or just helping you through the world of Web Hosting. 

I ask you all to join me on the 26th of October to raise a glass and toast to both ours and your future. We will keep you updated on our launch event. 

Thanks your reading guys! Be safe out there!


Tuesday 11 September 2012

Remembering the 9/11 Fallen

As a serviceman of West Midlands Fire Service and not just the CEO of the business. My greatest passion is towards the Fire Service. Helping people is my passion. Just as it was for the 343 fire fighters of the FDNY 11 years ago on this day. Fire fighters from across New York rushed to Ground Zero to establish what was going on and what needed to be done. Each and every one of the 343 that passed all had a purpose. Whether it was instructed from a chief or their own according. They each were working to evacuate and empty the crippled towers. Its very rare to find people who can look at a 100+ story building that is on fire and have the courage to still keep calm, kit up and get in there. Truth is, half of them would have most likely processed the thought of that they may well not come out of the building. Firefighters as they were, they mentally switched into a different chain of thoughts. Seconding their own lives, they entered to then be faced with cries of help from the top floors from those trapped by fire or smoke. In my primes of life more ambitious than ever to start my career within the Fire Service as well as my business, continuing the fallen brothers legacy is my motivation. People need someone to call for when they need help. Someone who  would race to their aid. Well that's what a fire fighter does. That's what the 343 FDNY and neighboring cities and towns did. To those, I salute and hold my head high knowing what you did would have been for the greater good. I personally will never forget and not a year goes by that I don't shed a tear for ALL of the victims of 9/11. I hope we can all take what has happened and find a shed of light to celebrate the lives of the fallen. You are the bravest of the brave as are all of the first responders of that day. America, you stand tall in your pride. Thank you for all of your efforts to this day. For me, they are never forgotten and will never be.

Friday 7 September 2012

SparkGate no longer a Spark

Well, as a Huge Fire Service geek. All Sparks lead to a flame, a flame grows into a fire and then it carries on. Well now, let's relate that to SparkGate. I'd say we are now at the small fire stage. We've grew into something much more bigger than a spark. We continue to grow. My passion with that of my business partners, we continue to work to develop a core operation that pleases the most valuable people to us, you! Sure you hear that all the time from businesses that promise you this and that. I mean I've heard the same. I was promised a new phone free of charge with no strings attached from a lovely company who needless to say, I never recommend or use. Obviously, more fool me, it wasn't free. Dayum. I think hearing it from the people who run the business only means more and meaningful. That's what I like to hear. So right now, as a company. We're doing all the dirty work before we consider launching to start trading. Myself and all of the other executives of SparkGate are meeting in a few weeks at our corporate headquarters to discuss where we stand. All of our time has been done doing paper work, website development and more. The business is at it's stable stage where all of the tests required have been done. Prices have been agreed and more. We're confident and are growing more and more passionate. I would just like at this point to make note of the fact I am not getting paid for all of this start up preparation. Our first few months as a company laucnhing bug will be very big and difficult as we can't predict what will happen. We hope it's good ofcourse. And we hope you like it as well. So stay tuned. Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook where we actually have a competition going on for you to get a hold of some goodies such as a new Google Nexus 7 tablet as well as a HTC One X. If you don't know the link.. it's or

Thank you so far for your continued patience and support. As a people person, it's truly amazing!

Happy Blogging!