Wednesday 4 July 2012

Sparkgate's Core Values, basically what we do most...

From Vice CEO David Bailey

So let's start by giving you a joke about the high wall, actually, better not, you'd never get over it.... Done laughing? OK, let's go.

So, at 16, I decided to start web hosting. I studied Public Services at college and in High school... Yea, your right, no business. I had no experience with hosting. Why hosting then? Because it's new and actually is exciting. Since that age and now four years on, I've developed my business skills and input the core elements of a successful business into my own. SparkGate values it's customers. Plain and simple. Well actually in bold, but simple. Our competitors say that they do but have you tried ringing them? I placed an order with one of our biggest competitors a few years back and as someone on the other side of the desk, it was clear to see that promises were broken. Sure there was an automated email saying thank you for your payment but when it came to speaking to someone regarding an issue, at 5 minutes to 5pm, they told me the support department was now shut. That's too short of a mile. We go the extra mile. A phone call to inform customers that their services are active. So far, only us that do that. When we experience problems on our end, not the customers fault, we make damn sure we tell them and act as quickly to rectify the issue and ensure the customers get what they want. What drives our business is our people, not our top end servers or software. Every part of the team chain must be linked at all times. If I as a CEO TELL my staff to do something, they won't want to. If I ask then it will get done. This affects the customer experience in the long run and so I lead by example. My philosophy on Leadership is this: Involve  Listen, Educate, Action, Delegate. People want a leader who can do all of that and not someone who sits at his office desk sorting stuff that can be resolved as a team. So, we not only value it's customers and people, we work with you where we can. A basic element such as a website is the first impression. I mean when you go out to your local club, you gotta be honest with me now, you look at how someone dresses and comes across. It's a standard default installation in all of us. We strive to enhance your business or personal image so that potential customers or investors get the best out of you. "Driving your presence forward" That backs my point up. It's our mission statement. Alot of our competitors give up at the purchase point and forget that maintain your customers is a core value. If I've got Jerry Blogs who's been a customer for 5 years. I'm not going to assume he is happy with his service. I'm going to push new ideas his way.Assumption is a deadly weapon because Our Jerry could be browsing best prices. Rewarding our loyal customers is another important feature. Not many businesses have this simply because of the economic situation of today. Well instead of buying a fancy new 74 floor glass design with fancy offices, headquarters in the business districts of the finest cities around. We spend it on you because let's be honest, unless your actually going to pop into us and have a cuppa, your not really going to be benefited by a headquarters. Anyway. If your not bored already. Well done. That's my today's digest.
Remember, SparkGate Loves you. We value you and support you.
Stay Safe peoples.

David Bailey
Vice CEO
SparkGate Corporation

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