Friday 13 July 2012

02 I owe 2

As the entire UK know, 11/7/12 was No2 day when around 1.30, o2 started to get tweeted like mad from paying customers regarding signal issues. 20 minutes later o2 comfirmed that something was wrong. For 24 whole grusome long hours customers were left without a cyber social life. For me however my problem started on the Sunday when my touchscreen Blackberry 9860 decided to suicide itself down my toilet. After my quick thinking it was only seconds later I pulled it from the nice clean toilet... despite these attempts, it was no use. It was doomed. I refused to believe it. I quickly seized the remaining bag of rice in the house and put my phone to dry in there and even hair dryed and vacummed it. It was the most pampered phone out there! But I accepted defeat 2 days after when it started up but no visuals. I had to guess what I was doing (apologies 999 if I called you many times without knowing). So... if you want to get straight to the point then start reading here... After accepting my toilet exploring phone was gone.. I made a call to o2, this on the 2nd day of the network issues. How many of their customer services team took up smoking I wonder? So as that really attractive sounding female robot normally does, she explained I would be put through to there UK customer services. I reached an American guy. I started explaining what happened and despite 20 minutes on the phone, my call was handled amazing. He took all my details and even had a laugh! Yes..  a laugh! A joke... my situation is... my new replacement device is here in 20 mins and all this a day after. They even asked me what time I wanted it to be delivered! So o2, despite your problems that you encountered which were out of your control (yes, it confuses me as to why people think you guys were bored at the office and felt like killing the network) Your American customer service guy and to be honest, every other one i've spoke to in the 6 years I've been with you, your one in a million. Well done, hats off and happy to see you get up and dust yourselves off and continue moving forward. Now, Kettle needs a boil. Just need a kettle...

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