Monday 29 October 2012

Mr Branson, A hero, inspiration and idol

So, at 15 Years of age, I started researching about a business success as part of a school project. I really wanted to get top grades for this so I went all out. Researching multi million pound companies turning over millions. At that age, the only thing on my mind was bike riding, owning a BB gun and throwing wet toilet paper to the ceiling of my high school toilets.... As well as the whole girlfriend drama. It wasn't until I stumbled across Richard Branson. I had heard his name a few times what with my school being a business specialist school and all that. SO I delved into the depths of Mr Branson doing a 1 page introduction about him. I read through allot of stories and books. I think it was at this point my business mind kicked in. I was truly inspired by Mr Branson because through thick and thin and all the doubts and failure comments from others, he stuck at it. Many people throw in the towel and raise the white flag when times get rough but choppy waters make the ride a little bit more fun.. right? Well it's more that we can take a lesson from the choppy waters and learn from mistakes. I recently read his new book "Like a Virgin" which is an amazing book. One of the many lessons I have took from Mr Branson is his whole Fun philosophy and how maintaining your business should be fun for everyone, not just customers but the staff aswell. I was more so interesting in how Mr Branson had taken time to scope his business from the customers view and the other lesson I took from the book was that it is better to look at your business from the outside in. Only then can you begin to get a scope on where your business may be going wrong. How long customers are on hold for. How the customer services team speak  to their customers etc.

Mr Branson is a man who is in fact my Idol, inspiration and hero. All my business ventures which I plan to do within my lifetime to achieve success and satisfaction. For a man that hasn't done anything for me physically and directly. He has provided me with the ambition to strive for success in life and get the best out of what is yet to come.

So fellow bloggers. Now you know what drives my business mind and the ambition to get the best for and from the customers. You'll never be failed. I leave you with a quote which is very inspirational and is on my bedroom wall....

"You have to be the change you wish to see in this world." - Ghandi.

David Bailey
19 and enthisiastic

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