Monday 11 November 2013



We have access!

Good morning bloggers. It's my great pleasure to announce that I have access to my account following a slight incident of... well... in all honesty, me forgetting my password. Doh! (Doh property trademark of Homer J Simpson, thanks for the saying).

So my last post was a little tribute to one of my Idols, Sir Richard Branson. Since then i've shared a Margarita with the man himself on a Virgin Atlantic first class lounge in Dubai over looking the beautiful sunset. I then woke up.

SparkGate Today!

So, You all know how I love to update you with some deep insider stuff directly from the top. We've had some major developments and we also suffered a shortfall. Hey, you value honesty.

SparkGate Hosting 
So we made  a successful launch of our Data center. Our formation with Praxis Group was a success. We obtained our financial backing we needed to get the right services, software and hardware for you as well as the other stuff such as the security etc. The company has begun agreeing contracted partnerships and has begun trading with a large client base. We are providing to some pretty big names. Further to this, we've purchased off shore servers meaning that we've become your local. (Added note: Please do not attempt to purchase beer from the data center, by local I mean we're in your country meaning faster speeds, not fresh ales.) We completed our speed tests and, you ready for the bragging?... we aced them! We did some sneaky under cover work with our competitors, and we found that our speeds are not only faster, but consistent and reliable. #justsaying. We're running some developments to the brand. It's possible that we will change a few visuals and perhaps names. This is still an on going plan and we're deciding whether it is necessary to do these or whether it can wait. There is indeed method in our madness. Added to this, remind yourself of our historic branding.

We recently switched our Support client over as part of our ethos behind the support we provide our customers. This move saw the introduction of Mobile Support agents. The theory was that instead of having our dedicated support staff head to the office on the nights for a night shift (sitting in an office can be very boring when the only activity outside your room is the cleaner hoovering the track of Digestives crumbs laid from the tea breaks), we would allow our support agents to work from the comfort of their own home (where they can freely lay Digestive crumb tracks) in front of their warm fire and a bit of Sky sports. They are equipped with Android phones with the support client connected to our servers so when you, the customer, has an issue; there will be an agent who receives a message on their phone that you are in need of help. They then load up the company laptop and commence the support conversation. These are not bots that auto reply.

We, the executives, monitor this system daily and view the reports of each ticket sent in to us. So far, it has worked a treat.
As our focus is YOU, and what with Christmas approaching (it's nowhere near Christmas yet, I haven't seen the Coca Cola truck advert *Crosses arms and pulls grumpy face*), we thought we'd provide you with some offers. You'll need to check Facebook for these.

SparkGate Fibre and (Hidden Name)
This is where our short fall happened. We made huge progress with Fiber Operations. Complex works were and still are being carried out to install fiber in as many places as possible. Our issue was the major works that must be undertaken to ready neighborhood's for a switch over into the world of rapid speeds. Obtaining planning permission to dig roads up can be tricky. We agreed as the executive board that we all hate being in traffic jams. So we wanted our work to be undertaken at night time when the roads are quieter. The operation however lagged because of planning issues which we now believe are dealt with. It's best to double check the website to see if your area has our fiber installed, is ready and lit. We came out of that short fall a few weeks ago and we're moving forward once again. Further to this, and an addition to our development portfolio. We've announced the unveiling of an upcoming venture which is remaining under secure wraps until we are ready to unleash this beast. When it comes to the unveiling, head to the shelters and make sure your ready for the bomb of all bomb shells. So Stay tuned!

Well, as your probably now half asleep from this read. I'll finish off here now.

Once again, thank you very much for your support, custom, trust and patience as we make our company better for us and more importantly, YOU!