Monday 6 August 2012

Growing SparkGate

Well hey Bloggers. It's been a while. Rest assured i'm alive so please don't panic yourselves. My fellow CEO and I have been working on something big to grow SparkGate into more than a spark. See what I did there?.. anyway. I shall not reveal too much as this is an incredibly big move for a hosting company like ourselves. We want to develop SparkGate further and to do so, it takes that stuff that sadly doesn't grow on trees. Well we have successfully gained a nice lump sum backing that we are wisely investing into a pricey addition to the web hosting industry. We are a thriving company that are always looking to grow stronger and to do this, we need to think about what the important people want. Yes. Thats you!! We are confident that with our research and analysis..  this will be something you do want. Especially in this ever advancing day and age with everything now switching to technology. So. I leave you with this.. stay tuned on our Twitter for updates and follow us if you are not already.

Have a grand day!!